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7 ways to nurture yourself for a more positive life

7 ways to nurture yourself for a more positive lifeUse different gifts

Finding and using gifts you’ve been nurturing along the side may be the very definition of happiness. Do things that put you in touch with others.

Stronger muscles lead to stronger brain

A study led by the University of Sydney in Australia has found that gradually increasing muscle strength through activities such as weightlifting improves cognitive function.

Conquering Barriers to Weight Training for Women Over 50 From Psychology Today

Pumping iron is great for women over 50. So why aren’t more doing it? Women over 50 have been relatively slow to embrace weight training as part of their exercise routine. By skipping strengthening exercise, they may be missing out on proven benefits for the brain as well as the body. Some obstacles to weight

Feast. Fast. Repeat.

Feast Fast Repeat by Candy Sagon, published in healthy you. New Mini fasting diets are catching on, is it the right choice for you? Actors Hugh Jackman and Benedict Cumberbatch have done this as well as Viola Davis and Jimmy Kimmel. Call it mini fasting or intermittent fasting, an increasingly popular splurge and skin regimen

Symptoms of Stress

According to a survey posted in “Statistic Brain”, Percentage of the 200 surveyed respondents reported the stress-related symptoms: PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS OF STRESS Fatigue 51% Headache 44% Upset stomach 34% Muscle tension 30% Teeth grinding 17% PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF STRESS Irritability or Anger 50% Feeling nervous 45% Lack of energy 45% feeling like they could cry

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